Game Introduction
Continue on How to Win At Baccarat Longterm P4 Baccarat Win Rate , among all the profit strategies in Baccarat online, normally we would advise you to choose the one that is highly stable and flexible for adjustment. Though with the betting habit, there’s not much mentioned yet.
Today OKbet Online Casino are going to introduce a habit called Smile Betting. It is a habit designed according to all the game situations we might possibly run into. What worries us the most in a game is the appearance of uncertain variables.
This habit can help us deal with it with ease so that our risk is reduced efficiently, our win rate has been raised, and confidence and profit are gained. There are 7 steps within the Smile betting habits, let’s check them out.

How to Win At Baccarat Online:7 Step
Step 1:bet on the side the previous game win
Step 2:switch it to the opposite side
Step 3:bet on sides back and forth to mix up the rhythm
Step 4:stop betting for 3-5 rounds
Step 5:Set your stop-loss
Step 6:Set your take-profit
Step 7:Round 55 is key
How to Win At Baccarat:Betting Rhythm that Suits You
Here OKbet Online Casino would suggest you three different betting rhythms, which are: go with the win, chase on lost, and hybrid temple. The common ones are stair betting rhythm or straight-up betting. These betting rhythms focus on our betting amount and can help us win more while we are correct.
Go with the win
• Ceiling-2:1,2,1,2,1,2,1,2,1,2
• Conservative:1,2,1,2,3,4,6,9,14,21,31,47
• Aggresive:2,4,3,4,6,9,14,21,31,47
• Bouble Barrel:2,4,3,6,7,14,18,36,45,90
Chase on lost
• conservative (A):1,1,1,2,2,3
• conservative (B):1,1,2,2,3,4
• conservative (C):1,1,2,3,4,5
• aggressive (A):1,2,3,4,5,7
• aggressive (B):2,2,3,4,5,7
• aggressive (C):2,3,4,5,7,9
1. Steps of hybrid betting rhythm
First of all, let’s set up our SL and TP. OKbet Online Casino would advise a 10-betting amount unit as the limit. Once we have won 10 betting units, we switch to another Baccarat room. The advised Profit margin ratio would be 8 to 2. The profit percentage ranges from 40% to 60%. This would help you gain long term profit if you repeat the steps
2. Hybrid betting practice
Since we are aiming for winning 6 to 10 betting units, we would switch strategies when we had won the 7th betting unit, as in, stop using the hybrid betting habit. Normally it’s an action to reduce the risk of losing. Therefore as you can see, if the bar is low, then the odds of hitting the bar would be high. Though if we ever run into a back-and-forth situation, we offer two different options.
The first option is to stop betting immediately. It’s ok even if we decide to leave the room from baccarat online. The reason why it’s ok is due to the fact that betting has stopped bringing positive influence to the game already. Even worse, it might increase our risk.
The second option is to change our strategy. Change it to one that we can adjust the betting side and amount easier. This can help us reduce our inner pressure and we may handle the game with ease.
How to Win At Baccarat:Bankroll Management
To be honest, this topic should be the one that was educated to whoever wishes to gamble or invest. So what should be the initial bankroll for one wishing to play baccarat? Here OKbet Online Casino would suggest you start from 30-50 betting units since it should be able to cover if your betting amount is not too high.
How to Win At Baccarat:Healthy Mindset
With that being said, OKbet Online Casino still need to remind you again, one should not be betting when one’s on-tilt. Building a healthy mindset can provide us with the base we need to execute any strategies. So manage your bankroll, have a healthy mindset, and set up your TP and SL. That way you can earn a steady profit for the long term.
That’s all for today and I wish you all the best.
Hope you like what OKbet Online Casino shared today.